Event-Defender is designed to stop a 7,5 t truck at 55 km/h, making Event-Defender one of the most effective mobile security solutions on the market.
The system is based on a modular design for endless scalability, requires no anchoring and offers escape routes for pedestrians, bicycles and wheelchairs alike. Access for authorized vehicles can be created in a matter of seconds.
Event-Defender is user-friendly for all, including:
Tested and certified
Event-Defender is developed in cooperation with the Institute for Police Technology in Münster, Germany (PTI). Event-Defender is successfully SGS- TÜV SAAR tested and SKI1B certified. Event-Defender is also PAS68 and IWA-14 approvable.
1 Module: L x W x H (mm) = 3100 x 650 x 970.
1 Module weighs 300 kg. (approx. 3.500 kg. for a width of 6 meters)